琳游侠: 那时候的黄子华太嫩了太嫩了几小点口误我跟着他捏了几把汗
铁人.千万遍:很精彩的第三季但从 头到尾最让我记忆犹新的毛舜筠 张国荣就是grey爸爸的那一记耳光让我对这个一向温文而婉的男人害羞腼腆的男人有了新的认识...我甚至怀疑他以前是不是就家暴...
yu若: moment she sat on the heavy blue sea, I had already sensed this film gonna burst me into tears in a mild way. The first hour was 3 stars, the last 30 mins was 4 stars. In the last 3 mins, it’s a 5 stars artwork. I’m so happy I risked my life for such a beautiful one in the cinema. "Non possum fugere."
是芭乐呀:新旧两版我都看了老实说我喜欢新版不喜欢旧版时代变了旧版的剧情和人物心理让人摸不着头脑结局也很仓促新版里除了自焚的情节太突兀外毛舜筠 张国荣还是拍得很深刻的——和露点无关
广末凉子:我被结尾的动物园萌坏了 QAQ 瑛太演得真好